After days, weeks, months even,of watching it being overloaded with a variety of papers,books,scraps and some unmentionable items, atlast... i decided to organise my trusty old desk - the very same one that saw me through my Winnie The Pooh and Barbie/Kelly days .I guess if desks could talk, this one would file a suit against me. Whats worse? It would win! :p It has been unmercifully loaded with not just books, but with food ( random bff parties- dont ask :P),coffee, cups, cans, glasses, clothes , people (my cousins always love sitting on it) and random items which cant be kept anywhere else - all of which has transformed it from a handsome, proud, wooden beauty to a discoloured ,sad, under-appreciated piece of... furniture :P

Thank god it cant complain! Anyway, given that today is a holiday and that i cant stand to see its sorry plight anymore ,I decided to put it out of its misery and started to organise it.With punjabi beats playing in the background ,determination in my mind and a mountain of files beside me, I started what i thought would take no time. Boy!Was i mistaken! It took me two hours of running behind flyaway sheets,segregating,laughing at 'notes' passed around in class, trashing several papers and generally breathing chaos!At the end of it, i am left with very few articles and a whole continent of trash. But its worth it cos i can almost see my desk smiling at me :P
:) Your efforts seem Worth It ;)