Sunday, 1 July 2012

CLEANING OUT MY CUPBOARD : A heartwarming experience

I am one of those people who have a large cupboard which is stuffed with clothes (5%) and other stuff (95%).Today, I was cleaning out my cupboard after 2 years (ouch!). Basically, my cupboard has 4 shelves in 2 parts. The second ( and main ) shelf is literally big enough for a 5'1 sized person to sleep in! and it is this portion that holds a lot of my stuff of the past 3-4 years (the other shelves have stuff dating back to 8 years :P).

Initially, I was full of enthusiasm to finish the work as fast as possible and went into super-woman mode... but  as the cleaning went on, I started uncovering 'treasures' and my movements slowed down. Some of them brought tears to my eye ( of joy, pride and remembrance ) , some of them made me smile. Yet others made me laugh out ( my diaries written in 8th grade and the guide to magical creatures my friend and I wrote at about the same time :P) and some of them made me sigh. I always thought I was a careless , but my opinion started to change when I saw how carefully I had preserved so many treasures over the years.I found an un-started scrap book which I was supposed to have started working on in the beginning of last year but had not  yet gotten down to.I found all the stuff I had collected to put into it and my heart warmed , looking at them.

so, even though I had started the cleaning spree with a resolution to clean out at least 80% of my stuff, I found myself incapable of dumping even 10% of it. I set them all back neatly into my cupboard... leaving the trashing job for the next time I decide to clean out :P

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