It was just a normal day
until you out of nowhere came
into my life as a whisper,
and changed me so i could never be the same
I had never spoken to you,
never given you any attention
and yet, your stares my way,
put my heart in confusion
"Do you really 'look' at me?
or is it just my imagination?
even if you do, why do I care?
For a crush, why do they act as foundation?"
It hurts me to see you
walk around and never make a move
I want to know you, and you- me
as truth or otherwise, I ask you to prove
And since that very first day,
that very first look,
you have been on my mind
and made for yourself, an ever awake nook
until you out of nowhere came
into my life as a whisper,
and changed me so i could never be the same
I had never spoken to you,
never given you any attention
and yet, your stares my way,
put my heart in confusion
"Do you really 'look' at me?
or is it just my imagination?
even if you do, why do I care?
For a crush, why do they act as foundation?"
It hurts me to see you
walk around and never make a move
I want to know you, and you- me
as truth or otherwise, I ask you to prove
And since that very first day,
that very first look,
you have been on my mind
and made for yourself, an ever awake nook